Get ready to smile again with removable dentures

Reach out to our digital dental laboratory based in Fort Worth, TX

Want to say goodbye to gaps in your smile? You’ll be glad to know that Luna Labs offers removable denture fabrication services in Fort Worth, TX. We’ll design custom dentures that match your natural bite, facial structure and tooth color. Then, we’ll create your new removable dentures using acrylic or resin bases and artificial teeth. Lastly, we’ll make any adjustments necessary to create a secure and natural feel.

Find out if removable dentures are right for you by calling us at 682-208-3752 now.

A woman is smiling and wearing a green and white shirt.

Find out what type of dentures we can fabricate for you

What else can our specialists do for you? In addition to fabricating removable full dentures, we also have experience making:

  • Removable partial dentures
  • Fixed implant-supported dentures
  • Fixed bridges
  • Snap-on dentures

Contact us today if you want to improve your smile with fixed bridges, snap-on dentures or removable partial dentures.

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